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Second Chance Animal Rescue of Martha's Vineyard is a Federally Recognized Non-Profit Organization.
Our work with animals is made possible by generous donations from animal lovers like you. Please consider supporting us with a monthly donation.
Every amount helps and goes to pay for food, veterinary care, transport and more.

Want to donate to the rescue without actually taking money out of your paycheck?
Install the Walk for a Dog app on your phone (it's free), set the "walk for rescue" to Second Chance Animal Rescue, and anytime you go for a walk or run, Wooftrax will donate to Second Chance Animal Rescue!
Click the link below to place your first order with Chewy. They'll proudly donate $20 to us!
Shop at smile.amazon.com. You’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Second Chance Animal Rescue!
When shopping around for items to donate to our shelter, keep an eye out for bargains using price-comparison resources, such as Wikibuy.
The Cat Rescuers
With over 500,000 street cats struggling to survive in NYC, and the city unwilling to address the problem, spirited volunteers like Sassee, Claire, Stu and Tara have come to their aid. Their beat is Brooklyn, where the problem has exploded. Combing the borough’s alleys, backyards and housing projects, they trap the cats, get them fixed and returned to their colonies, or adopted. THE CAT RESCUERS shows the skill, resilience, and humor these volunteer activists display in the face of such challenging work, and how their mission to reduce animal suffering—often at great sacrifice to themselves—makes a difference for the animals and the community, while changing the rescuers’ lives. THE CAT RESCUERS had its world premiere at the 2018 Hamptons International Film Festival, where it won the Zelda Penzel “Giving Voice to the Voiceless” Award.
Purchase the DVD or download the video on Amazonsmile: