We rely on volunteers who help us make a difference for animals. There are fun and rewarding opportunities for everyone.
There are one-time and ongoing tasks, short-term and long-term commitments, low effort and high-effort projects. Take a look at the lists below, then fill out the form at the bottom of this page to let us know what you might enjoy doing!
Spread the word about Second Chance Animal Rescue
Share our posts with your friends
Forward our emails (sign up in box above)
Encourage friends to adopt
Help around the shelter
Carpentry and handyman projects
Moving heavy stuff like bags of food and kitty litter
Tidying of pups' outdoor play area
Foster a homeless pup
Pet sit or help out one of our foster families
Walk, bathe or play with dogs
Clean up the dogs' indoor area
Transport to and from appointments, on and off island
Foster a homeless kitty
Pet sit or help out one of our foster families
Cuddle and play with cats
Clean up the kitty indoor area
Transport to and from appointments, on and off island
Grant writing
Event assistance
Checking homes and references
Photographing animals